Sunset Beach Coastal Adaptation Works
The Sunset Beach Foreshore has been experiencing ongoing coastal erosion which lead to the removal of City assets to prevent them from falling into the ocean.
The City engaged M P Rogers & Associates to investigate and provide advice on potential coastal adaptation options for Sunset Beach which include groynes, revetments and sand nourishment.
In 2019, 2023 and 2024, Geotextile Sand Container groynes and a revetment along with sand nourishments were undertaken along the Sunset Beach Foreshore to mitigate coastal erosion.
Read the Sunset Beach Adaptation Option Advice here

Photo: Erosion at Sunset Beach

2024 Adaptation Works
Construction of three additional Geotextile Sand Container (GSC) groynes and sand nourishment along Sunset Beach to mitigate coastal erosion was undertaken in early 2024.
Three additional 40m long low-crest GSC groynes, spaced 70m apart, were constructed south of the recently completed groynes located south of Triton Place.
Approximately 7,000m3 of sand were also be imported to nourish the foreshore area. The sand provided an initial nourishment to the foreshore south of the groyne and allowed the littoral drift process to feed the beach to the north of the northern groyne. Littoral drift is the process by which sand is moved along the coastline by wave action. For Western Australia, this process moves sand along the coast in a northly direction.
The $1.365 million project was joint funded with $615,000 provided by the State Government through the CoastWA Hotspot Coastal Adaptation and Protection (H-CAP) Major Project Fund.
Construction of the groynes was undertaken by a local contractor with coastal engineers M P Rogers providing technical services.
2023 Adaptation Works
Construction of three additional Geotextile Sand Container (GSC) groynes and sand nourishment along Sunset Beach to mitigate coastal erosion was undertaken in March 2023.
The three, 40m long low-crest GSC groynes, spaced 70m apart, were constructed south of the existing groyne and revetment built in 2019.
Approximately 7,000m3 of sand were imported to nourish the foreshore area.
The $1.5 million project was joint funded with $750,000 provided by the State Government through the CoastWA Hotspot Coastal Adaptation and Protection (H-CAP) Major Project Fund.
Construction of the groynes was undertaken by a local contractor with coastal engineers M P Rogers providing technical services.
2019 Adaptation Works
In late 2019, construction of a low-crest Geotextile Sand Container (GSC) groyne and revetment on the Sunset Beach Foreshore at Triton Place to mitigate coastal erosion was undertaken. Read more here
The 40m low-crest GSC groyne and 50m long GSC revetment being constructed at Triton Place will help retain an initial beach nourishment. The sand will provide an initial nourishment to the foreshore south of the groyne and allow the littoral drift process to feed the beach to the north of the northern groyne. Littoral drift is the process by which sand is moved along the coastline by wave action. For Western Australia, this process moves sand along the coast in a northly direction.
The $418,000 project was funded by the City of 91Ï㽶µ¼º½’s CHRMAP Adaptation Measures Budget.
Construction of the groynes was undertaken by Natural Area Consulting Management Services with M P Rogers providing technical services.