Parks and Playgrounds
Park Hierarchy and Levels of Service
On 24 May 2016 Council Endorsed the Park Hierarchy and the associated level of service guidelines. The hierarchy and service levels were developed in accordance with the Western Australian Planning Commission's 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' publication and the City's Public Open Space Strategy.
Read the Park Hierarchy guidelines here
Read the Park Schedule here
View Park Mapping here
View the City of 91Ï㽶µ¼º½ Parks map.
Playground Amenities
City parks and their amenities:
- Alexander Playground
- AMC Park - playground equipment, basketball court and public toilets available.
- Apex Pioneer Memorial Park
- Barracuda Park
- Batavia Park
- Bayside Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Bellimos Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Bluff Point Estate Park - playground equipment
- Brett Foster Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Bugara Park - playground equipment and public toilets available.
- Challener Street Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Chris Mainwaring Park
- Clematis Crescent Park - basketball half court
- Conus Way Park
- Cooper Circuit Park - playground equipment.
- Corallina Quays Park
- Crow's Nest Playground - shade sail over playground equipment.
- Coxswain Crescent Park - playground equipment.
- Derna Park - nature playground and public toilets available.
- Edith Cowan Square
- Ellendale Pool - public toilets available.
- Foreshore Toddler Playground - shade sails over playground equipment and public toilets available.
- Foreshore Waterpark - shade sails over equipment and public toilets available.
- Forrester Park - shade dome over playground equipment, skate/scoot bowl and public toilets available.
- Fraser Gregory Park - playground equipment and basketball half court.
- Gertrude Street Park - Playground equipment.
- Giles Park
- Glass Crescent Park - playground equipment.
- Glendinning Park - shade sail over playground equipment, skate/scoot bowl and public toilets available.
- GRAG Park (Geraldton Regional Art Gallery) - public toilets available.
- GRAMS Reserve - shade dome over playground equipment, basketball half court and scoot/skate track.
- Greenough River Foreshore Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Greenough Oval - public toilets.
- Hadda Way Park
- Hakea Street Park - playground equipment.
- Hemsley Park
- Iduna Park
- Jenner Court Park
- John Forrest Park
- Karloo Park - shade sail over playground equipment.
- Leonard T Green Memorial Park - off lead dog area
- Lester Square Park
- Levy Street Park - basketball half court.
- Lions Club Park Mullewa - basketball court, skatepark and public toilets available.
- Mahomets Beach Park - shade dome over playground equipment and public toilets available.
- Maitland Park - playground equipment, skate/scoot bowl and public toilets available.
- Marina Park - shade sails over adventure playground and public toilets available.
- Muir Park - shade dome over playground equipment and public toilets available.
- Mullewa Town Heart Park
- Norm Brand Park
- Pages Beach - shade dome over playground equipment and public toilets available.
- Paringa Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Pebble View Park
- Portacello Park
- Rundle Park - playground equipment and public toilets available
- Sail Boulevard Park
- Seahaven Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Spalding Park - shade sail over playground equipment, mountian bike pump and jump/skills track and public toilets available.
- Stillwater Park
- Strathalbyn Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Tarcoola Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Tom Burges Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Tuart Street Park - playground equipment.
- Wanda Circle Park
- Wanderer Park
- Walkaway Recreation Grounds - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Webber Park Waggrakine Hall - shade sail over playground equipment.
- Whitehill Road John Batten Community Hall Park - shade dome over playground equipment and public toilets available.
- Wonthella Federation Community Park - shade dome over playground equipment.
- Woodman Street Park - playground equipment and two basketball half courts.
- Wooree Park - playground equipment, BMX track, off lead dog area and public toilets available.
- Yarraman Park - playground equipment.
- Youth Precint - rage cage, skywalk, playground equipment, table tennis, electronic tagging, climbing structures and public toilets available.
- Zeewyck Court Park
View the City of 91Ï㽶µ¼º½ Parks map.
Barbecue locations
AMC Park
Bayside Park
Bellimos Park
Beresford Foreshore
Derna Park
Doc Docherty Swimming Pool (Mullewa)
Ellendale Pool
Geraldton Foreshore
Glendinning Park
Greenough Park
Mahomets Beach
Muir Park
Mullewa Recreation Centre
Pages Beach
Paringa Park
Pirrotina Park (Mullewa)
Rundle Park
Spalding Park
Tom Burgess Park
Walkaway Rail Museum
Waterfront Circle Park
Woorree Park