City Centre Revitalisation Plan
As is the case with all large rural centres, Geraldton has experienced different rates of growth over the years and is currently facing a challenging economic climate with a much slower growth rate. However, this is not a negative situation, but instead a chance to develop leadership, collaboration, pride and a collective vision to carry the city forward.
Why Revitalisation?
Revitalisation is a common term used to describe a collective city renewal movement, where cities can re-imagine themselves in order to survive changing global circumstances. Cities are re-inventing themselves in an era of change to become more dynamic, resilient and sustainable and in the process are revisiting their roots and their core purpose; being a place for people.
What does revitalisation mean for Geraldton?
Geraldton is aspiring to better fulfil the role as the region’s capital which recognises the city centre’s important role to not only be a strong heart for 91Ï㽶µ¼º½, but to also service the broader Mid West region and become a leader in this area.
Revitalisation of the Geraldton city centre means introducing strategies that can help at address existing issues and challenges, and harness many of the opportunities available.
3D Fly Through Vision
Check out a 3D fly through of the vision
City Centre Master Plan Report
The Geraldton City Centre

“For Geraldton city centre to develop as the regional capital of the Mid West, as a collaborative and innovative leader that positively harnesses change. The city centre will be a unique place for locals and visitors and an active destination embracing Geraldton’s nautical history and assets. The broader community will come together to deliver this vision and strengthen their city centre heart.”
Read the Geraldton City Centre Revitalisation Plan here
How do we get there?
There are four key themes that will enable the revitalisation of the city centre which include people, place, infrastructure and investment/economy.
To kick start the process the City has allocated $750,000 in the 2018/19 Budget for city centre revitalisation initiatives. More here
Projects Currently Underway
GRAG Park Upgrade
Chapman Road Tactical Urbanisation Pilot Project
Completed Projects
Cathedral Avenue/Sandford Street Roundabout
Durlacher/Maitland Streets Roundabout
Rocks Laneway Project
CBD Underground Power Project
Parklet Trial
Key Elements
People: Strategies under this theme are focused on meeting people’s needs as patrons and pedestrians in the city centre as they are the key users and provide the vibrancy and activity sought in the city centre.

Impression demonstrating pedestrian priority zone for Cathedral Avenue.
Place: Strategies under this theme are focused on enhancing the quality of the city centre in regard to land use, built form, profile and overall place identity and pride.

Impression demonstrating surrounding connectivity integrating with mid-block car parking.
Infrastructure: Strategies under this theme are focused on addressing many of the existing infrastructure challenges within the city centre and improving the accessibility and car parking.

Impression demonstrating mid-block car park initiative.
Investment/Economy: Strategies under this theme seek to foster a renewed sense of collaboration amongst all city centre stakeholders, embrace tourism and maintain positive strategies that will enable greater investment.

Impression of streetscape improvements and residential development addressing the Foreshore.